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Every woman wants to feel the maternity. We try to see smiling on your face for that very small breath to be included into your world. We, as Huma IVF Center, plan to be with you in this process from the first step of your treatment to your birth with awareness of your infertility problems. We target to bring you together with the healthy individuals in your home while starting with the slogan ‘Let us Add Your Imagination into Your Life’, believe that you will feel safe and in peace in our center. We take the fair pride in presenting the high quality service to you with a principle trying to catch the world standards with our knowledge.

Our success in the assisted reproductive treatments is based on a team working in plan and in coordination.
Our team consisted of the gynaecologists, embryologists, nurses and the patient consultants expert at their subjects, open to share information shall be glad to give service to you in this way where you started in order to be able to have a child.
Huma IVF Center started out by making renewing itself every passing day in the infertility practices a rule. We are over the world standards at rates of pregnancy to be obtained by using the assisted reproductive techniques.
Our patient consultants are in your service in all stages of your treatments in order to ease the IVF center treatment processes of our patients who will come to our center for treatment from abroad. We enable accommodation at a discount in our contractual hotels and the transportation support, prepare the programs where you will be able to follow your treatment at a distance.

IVF Center Treatment Techniques

• TESE- TESA Practices
• PGT (Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnostic)
• Calcium Ionophore
• Intra lipid
• Asisted Hatching
• Microchip
• Embryoscopy
• Pool Method
• Uterus Resting

Every woman wants to have beautiful, clean and smooth skin. Laser epilation, which has facilitated the work of not only women but also men in recent years, is an extremely effective method applied to permanently remove unwanted hair follicles and unwanted hair. The fact that it has the quality of use in all seasons and that it does not have any roughness has also increased its degree of effectiveness. The most distinctive feature of the ice laser is that it offers many methods as a whole and gives the expected results quickly.

The Ice laser epilation device, which we offer in our hospital, is a laser epilation method that is applied every season with an extremely low level of pain and technological systems are used. Thanks to the hair follicles that can be destroyed by laser, you will have clearly observed that your hair growth or hair growth problems have decreased visibly. Laser epilation is an effective and safe treatment to permanently get rid of unwanted hair. An important point to note in laser epilation applications that both men and women can apply is that the laser procedure is performed by trained specialists in a hospital environment under the control of a doctor. People with darker skin tones may experience hyperpigmentation and scarring, while people with lighter skin tones may experience temporary redness and swelling. You can have laser epilation in our hospital accompanied by a specialist doctor and esthetician.
If you are looking for a hassle-free solution for your epilation needs, the Ice laser epilation technique, which you can safely choose for four seasons, may be the perfect option for you.

IVF treatment; It is the method that offers the highest chance of pregnancy for couples who want to have a baby but cannot conceive naturally. In vitro fertilization method can be applied as a result of unprotected intercourse for more than 1 year, when pregnancy does not occur. Although it is a successful method, it may not always be possible to achieve 100% success in IVF treatments. There are many factors that determine the probability of successful IVF treatment. 

What Factors Depends on Success in IVF Treatment?

In IVF treatment, it is aimed to catch pregnancy in the first time, but pregnancy is not possible for every woman at once. Factors affecting the success of IVF treatment include the age of the expectant mother, weight status, problems in the uterus, hydrosalpinx in the tubes, immune system problems, smoking degree, alcohol use rate, and decreased ovarian reserve. With this; Various male-related conditions such as sperm immobility, severe deformities, and absence of sperm in the semen also affect the success rate of IVF treatment. General statistical data can give you information about the success rate in IVF treatment, but it should not be forgotten that every couple is very special and unique. In IVF treatment, your doctor can better determine your individual chances, taking into account your personalized factors. 

What are the Risks of IVF Treatment?

As with any treatment, there are some risks in IVF treatment. However, some of these risks, which are likely to be encountered in IVF treatment, are predictable and can be intervened early, although these risks are very rare. We can list these risks as follows: Mild bruising, swelling and pain may occur in the areas where the drugs were injected. Overstimulation of the eggs can result in weight gain, nausea, vomiting and bloating. There may be a risk of ectopic pregnancy. Bleeding may occur during egg collection.

What Should Be Done After Unsuccessful IVF?

 Failure of one or more IVF attempts can be extremely challenging, disappointing couples. This situation is extremely natural. One of the most important reasons for a failed IVF treatment is poor embryo quality. Defective and damaged embryos cannot be attached to the uterus after they are transferred to the uterus. However, in some cases, pregnancy may not be achieved despite transferring good quality embryos. Your doctor will evaluate the reasons for the failure of your IVF process in detail to determine what the problem is. These points will be taken into account in future attempts after the problem is determined. Taking a break for at least a month after a failed IVF attempt will also be very beneficial for the process. As developments in the field of medicine increase, it becomes easier to detect and eliminate negative situations. It is important that couples who fail their first IVF attempt should not despair. When conditions are improved, the chances of pregnancy will be higher in subsequent attempts.

There are 2 treatment methods most commonly preferred by couples who want to have a baby but do not have a baby for various reasons. One of them is in vitro fertilization treatment and the other is insemination method. In our article, we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions about the vaccination method, what is insemination and how it is done.

What is insemination? 

If couples cannot get a pregnancy result after one year after unprotected sexual intercourse, infertility is diagnosed. Infertility can have many causes, depending on the woman and the man. Thanks to science and developing technology, there are now many treatment methods for infertility. One of these methods is the vaccination method. In its simplest form, the method of vaccination is to prepare the sperm in the laboratory and inoculate the woman's uterus at the time of ovulation to ensure fertilization. In order for the vaccination method to be performed, some tests must be done to make sure that there is no problem in the uterus of the expectant mother. In addition, at least one of the tubes of the expectant mother must be in working condition. The purpose of the vaccination method is to select the motile, normal sperm with a higher probability of fertilization and send them to the uterus of the expectant mother. Thus, it will be more likely to be fertilized with eggs and selected sperm supported by drugs or pills. 

How is insemination done?

Before the insemination method, the development of the egg is supported with pills or low-dose injections given to the expectant mother. During this process, the egg is tracked. When the eggs mature and reach certain sizes, a cracking needle is given and the eggs are cracked. Just at this time of cracking, the sperm prepared in the laboratory are transferred to the uterus. Thus, the most suitable time of ovulation is provided for the woman and the best sperm are transferred to the uterus at the right time. insemination is a natural method. Only sperms that will increase the probability of fertilization are carefully selected. From the sperms taken from the father-to-be, those that are of good quality, motile and washed in a certain number, that is, processed. As Hüma IVF Center team, we tried to give information about what is insemination and how it is done in our article. We hope it was useful. You can contact us via our website to get more detailed information about IVF treatment or to ask your questions.

IVF treatment, which is one of the methods of treatment that helps reproduction, begins with the collection of eggs from the expectant mother and the removal of sperm cells from the expectant father. The embryo, which appeared after the fertilization was carried out in the laboratory environment, is placed in the womb of the expectant mother. From this point on, pregnancy continues like a pregnancy acquired by natural means.

When should couples who cannot have children turn to IVF treatment?

A woman under the age of 35 who does not have any diseases that can prevent her from becoming pregnant should definitely be examined if she cannot conceive despite having unprotected and regular sexual intercourse for 1 year and seek treatment if deemed necessary. Women who are over the age of 35 or who have previously had any problems affecting conception should only try for 6 months.

How is IVF Performed? What are the Necessary Conditions?

In vitro fertilization can be defined as the process of placing the healthiest embryo in the womb obtained as a result of fertilization of eggs collected from the expectant mother with the sperm of the expectant father in the laboratory environment. Before starting IVF treatment, the reproductive abilities of both a man and a woman are evaluated. Then hormone therapy is started to allow the expectant mother's eggs to enter the maturation process. Then, a cracking needle is made and the eggs are released from the follicles. During the egg collection process, the ripening eggs of the expectant mother are collected with the help of transvaginal ultrasound. At this time, sperm cells are taken from the expectant father. 

Fertilization is achieved by means of reproductive cells that are brought together in a laboratory environment dec The healthiest of the embryos that occur, or in other words, the best IVF, is transferred to the expectant mother's uterus accompanied by ultrasound. After about half an hour after this procedure, the couple is sent home. In some cases, more than one embryo needs to be transferred to the mother's womb.

Beta HCG hormone is a hormone known as the pregnancy hormone among the people. It is used in pregnancy tests to determine whether the person is pregnant or not. Experts express the test to measure the beta HCG hormone in different ways. You may have heard of Beta HCG blood test, quantitative blood pregnancy test, quantitative HCG test, and quantitative serial Beta HCG test. In this article, we have brought together all the curious about Beta HCG. What should be the Beta HCG value? What does low or high Beta HCG mean? Read on for the answers to all these questions.

What is Beta HCG?

There are 2 types of HCG Hormone, Beta and Alpha. During the pregnancy test, the Beta hormone is examined and is called Beta HCG. Beta HCG hormone is secreted by the placenta with the occurrence of fertilization. A blood test is performed between 10 days and 14 days after fertilization, and a high value can be observed in Beta HCG hormone as a result of the blood test. After a day or two, a urine test is done and more precise data for pregnancy can be obtained. High beta hcg hormone does not only mean a sign of pregnancy. Depending on some diseases encountered in people, its level in the body may increase, this varies from person to person. For this reason, when a high level of Beta HCG hormone is detected, different tests are performed immediately and it is ensured whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

What Should Beta HCG Value Be?

In a healthy non-pregnant woman, Beta HCG hormone varies in the range of 0-10 mlU/ml. In fact, it is usually seen at values ​​around 0 and 0. With pregnancy, these values ​​increase. In other words, we can understand whether pregnancy exists or not from the height of this hormone.

What Does Low and High Beta HCG Mean?

Beta HCG elevation first suggests that the person is pregnant. Because pregnancy increases the Beta HCG hormone. This hormone may give false information in some periods. Especially if the person has a different ailment, for example; In cases such as gastritis, some types of pancreatic cancer, some stomach cancers, ovarian cancer, liver tumor, multiple pregnancy, high levels of this hormone can be detected. For this reason, it is not possible to understand that you are pregnant with this test alone. Afterwards, you must have different tests. In addition to these, it is possible to say that the foods eaten also affect this hormone. Foods high in progesterone such as dill, avocado, spinach, tomatoes and walnuts increase the Beta HCG value.

Beta HCG is usually 0 and close to 0 in normal, ie non-pregnant individuals. In individuals who are pregnant, the low level of this hormone may be due to many reasons. These; ectopic pregnancy, deviation in the calculation of the week of pregnancy, sudden miscarriages.

In this article, we have discussed the Beta HCG hormone in detail. We have made explanations for you by giving place to all the questions that are curious. For more, you can visit our Hüma IVF page.

What is infertility, what are its symptoms, what kind of treatment method is applied?

Infertility, as it is called in the medical literature, is one of the most important health problems affecting millions of people around the world. In addition to being a health problem that can be seen in women and men, today the number of couples who cannot have children is quite high. According to researches, 10-15% of couples who have unprotected sexual intercourse for a year cannot have a child.

In our article, about infertility, one of the most important health problems in the world; We will try to give short answers about what is infertility, what are the symptoms of infertility and how to apply the treatment method.

What is infertility?

According to the definition of the World Health Organization, infertility; “Failure to conceive within one year of a sexually active couple who had unprotected intercourse without using contraception.” is the status. In other words, in order to be able to talk about infertility exactly, couples must have unprotected intercourse for one year and be unable to conceive. Infertility is one of the important health problems affecting 25% of the world population. In the researches, it can be seen depending on the woman or the man.

What are the symptoms of infertility?

The most important sign of infertility for both men and women is the inability to get pregnant despite having unprotected sexual intercourse for one year. However, some symptoms seen in men and women can be seen as a sign of infertility and an examination may be required accordingly.

 infertility in women;

- Imbalances in the menstrual cycle can be considered as a symptom. If you have periods longer than 35 days or shorter than 21 days, you should definitely see a specialist.

- If you are in your 30s and younger, it is expected to get pregnant within 1 year.

- If you are in your 35s and 40s, pregnancy is expected within 6 months. If pregnancy does not occur within 6 months, it is useful to see a doctor.

Infertility in men;

- Sexual dysfunctions are considered a sign of infertility. Example; impotence, ejaculation, such as strain.

- Pain, swelling or a lump in the testicle area during sexual intercourse may also be a sign of infertility.

- Infertility in men can often be caused by hormonal disorders.

Although all these symptoms are not exactly the cause of infertility, they are among the factors affecting it and may be symptoms of infertility.

What kind of treatment method is applied in infertility?

There can be many different reasons for the occurrence of infertility. Therefore, first of all, the causes of infertility are investigated. Different treatment methods are tried according to the detected cause. Some of the treatment methods applied are as follows;

- IVF Treatment

- Vaccination

- Microinjection

In vitro fertilization is one of the most well-known and most preferred and effective treatment methods among other treatment methods.

As Hüma IVF Center team, we tried to give information about what is infertility, what are its symptoms and what kind of treatment method is applied in our article. We hope it was useful. You can contact us via our website to get more detailed information about infertility or to ask your questions.

Ovarian reserve, known as the ovary, is a term used to determine the fertilization ability of the ovary to provide egg cells and to determine the probability of a successful pregnancy. With the advancing age of the expectant mother, the number of egg cells obtained from the follicles for pregnancy decreases. decreased ovarian reserve (AMH); It is a condition in which the ovaries begin to lose their normal production capabilities, reducing fertility. Decreased ovarian reserve reduces women's chances of conceiving spontaneously or with treatment. However, it is aimed to minimize the effects of this situation with various methods. The main causes of decreased ovarian reserve can be listed as follows:

· Smoking,

Chronic diseases,

 Coffee consumption

  Age of the expectant mother,

Genetic abnormalities (X chromosome abnormalities)

Various treatments (such as radiation for cancer)

· Having undergone ovarian surgery.

You can continue reading our article for reduced ovarian reserve and all its details.

How to Identify Decreased Ovarian Reserve?

Decreased ovarian reserve is determined by examining the hormone tests to be performed on the 2nd or 3rd day of the menstrual period of the expectant mother. FSH hormone gives information about the status of ovarian reserves. If the FSH value is higher than 10, it indicates decreased ovarian capacity.

The best indication of the capacity of the ovaries is the vaginal ultrasound. Existing and developing egg structures can be easily detected here. If there are less than six egg structures in the total ovaries, decreased ovarian reserve may be in question.

In summary, decreased ovarian reserve; It can be understood by clinical evaluation of the person, vaginal ultrasound, measurement of AMH hormone and FSH hormone in the blood.

Can a Woman with a Decreased Ovarian Reserve Get Pregnant?

Existing studies show that women with reduced ovarian reserve can become pregnant both spontaneously and with IVF treatment. Although it has been shown that high serum FSH levels in women are associated with low pregnancy rates, it is not sufficient to make a decision based on this alone. Egg cells also regulate their size under the influence of genetic factors. The speed of the aging process of the ovaries varies greatly among women, except for the age factor. In addition to the successful results of endocrine tests and imaging methods in the numerical evaluation of ovarian reserve, their values ​​in determining the chance of pregnancy remain at a limited level.

The chance of conceiving of a woman who is determined to have decreased ovarian reserve with ovarian reserve tests and clinical evaluations by specialist physicians can be increased by applying appropriate ovulation treatment protocols. Patients with reduced ovarian reserve can become mothers with different techniques today. In order to determine these methods, it is important to plan and apply special treatment methods suitable for patients by considering various factors.

How Is Decreased Ovarian Reserve Treated?

Currently, there is no treatment for decreased ovarian reserve that prevents or slows down ovarian aging. In addition, lifestyle changes have an extremely important role in preventing premature aging of the ovaries and in order to ensure the healthy continuation of egg quality, that is, to increase egg reserve and quality. These;

· Eating a balanced and healthy diet,

Doing regular exercise,

Quality and adequate sleep,

Avoiding chemicals, high glycemic index and fast food style foods,

Not to use substances such as cigarettes and alcohol,

· Using antioxidant drugs under the control of a physician.



If you have decreased ovarian reserve and want to have a child according to your required tests and vaginal ultrasound results, it is extremely important to seek in vitro fertilization treatment in the presence of a specialist doctor, without wasting time.

As Hüma IVF Center, we choose the most appropriate treatment method for you, apply it and continue to serve.

Blastocyst transfer, which is one of the advanced in vitro fertilization techniques applied today, is a method that offers a much higher chance of pregnancy to couples who want to have children. The blastocyst transfer method, which is a method that minimizes the possibility of multiple pregnancy, which is frequently encountered in IVF treatments, supports families in making their plans to have a child more effectively. The blastocyst is defined as the 5th or 6th day of the egg becoming an embryo. Before transfer, one or two embryos of the highest quality are selected and the transfer is carried out. This method is among the most important processes of IVF treatment. What is blastocyst transfer, what are its advantages and risks? You can continue reading our article, which includes the details of blastocyst transfer with questions.

What is blastocyst transfer?

Blastocyst transfer, which has an extremely important place in the IVF treatment process, is the process of transferring the embryo created in the laboratory environment to the woman on the 5th or 6th development day. Embryos are followed in incubators in the laboratory and when they reach the blastocyst stage, transfer to the uterus is performed. Blastocyst transfer has many positive contributions to the IVF process, such as enabling better quality embryo transfer and reducing the risk of multiple pregnancy.

What are the advantages of blastocyst transfer?

Blastocyst transfer is a method that has been used frequently in recent years, depending on the developing technologies. In the first years of in vitro fertilization treatment, the expected time for transfer was 48 hours, but this period has been extended in parallel with the developments experienced today. In the blastocyst transfer method, embryos with the highest success rate are selected more easily with transfers made after 5 and 6 days. In general, the advantages of blastocyst transfer can be listed as follows;

The chance to achieve better results against recurrent pregnancy failures, thanks to the selection of embryos with better development potential and compatibility with the uterus,

Reducing the possibility of multiple pregnancy by transferring fewer embryos with high viability,

The chance to observe the embryo development more clearly and healthily,

Freezing of embryos at the time when they have the highest developmental power, that is, at the blastocyst stage,

· Allowing different methods to examine embryo viability.

What is the risk of blastocyst transfer?

The condition that can be encountered frequently as a result of blastocyst transfer is the factor of multiple pregnancy. For this reason, some legal restrictions have been imposed on the number of embryos to be transferred in order to be protected from the risks of multiple pregnancy. For our country, this limit has been determined to be a maximum of 2 embryos. By performing 1 or 2 blastocyst transfers in embryo transfer on the 5th day, both the risk of multiple pregnancy is reduced and the chance of pregnancy is increased. The aim of IVF treatment is to achieve a healthy fertilization. In this direction, better quality but less number of embryo transfers will minimize the risks that may be encountered and will facilitate healthy results.

Who is blastocyst transfer suitable for?

Blastocyst transfer can be applied to all couples with a high number of fertilized eggs and good embryo quality on the 2nd day. Since a single embryo can be transferred in the first two attempts under the age of 35, a blastocyst transfer will be made to them, thus preventing multiple pregnancy. In our country, blastocyst transfer is successfully applied and high success rates are achieved. However, the remaining quality embryos after the transfer are successfully frozen with the vitrification method, which is a new and fast freezing technique, giving couples a second chance. You can visit our website for more information and to make an appointment.

The hormone beta HCG is a hormone that is popularly known as a pregnancy hormone dec It is used in pregnancy tests to determine whether a person is pregnant or not. Specialists express the test for measuring the hormone beta HCG in different ways. It is possible to hear it in the form of a beta HCG blood test, a quantitative blood pregnancy test, a quantitative HCG test, and a quantitative serial Beta HCG test. In this article, we have collected all the curiosities about Beta DECG. What should be the beta HCG value? What does it mean if the beta hCG value is low or high? For answers to all these questions, continue reading our article.


What is Beta HCG?



There are 2 types of the Hormone HCG - Beta and Alpha. When conducting a pregnancy test, the Beta hormone is examined and called Beta HCG. The hormone beta HCG is secreted by the placenta with the formation of fertilization. A blood test is performed dec 10 days and 14 days after fertilization, and as a result of the blood test, a high value of the hormone Beta HCG can be observed. After a day or two, a urine test is performed and clearer data for pregnancy can be obtained. The height of the hormone beta hcg means not only a sign of pregnancy. Depending on some diseases that are found in people, their level in the body may also increase, it varies from person to person. For this reason, when an increase in the Beta HCG hormone is detected, different tests are also performed immediately and it is made sure that the pregnancy does not occur.


What Should Be the Beta HCG Value?



In a healthy woman who is not pregnant, the hormone December HCG varies in the range of 0-10 mlU/ml. Even it is usually seen at an approximate value of 0 and 0. With pregnancy, these values increase. That is, we know from the height of this hormone whether pregnancy exists or not.


What Does Low And High Beta HCG Mean?



The height of beta hCG first makes it clear that the person is pregnant. Because pregnancy increases the hormone Beta HCG. This hormone can give false information in some periods. For example, if a person has a different condition, gastritis, some types of pancreatic cancer, some stomach cancers, ovarian cancer, liver tumor, and multiple pregnancy, this hormone can also be elevated in cases such as gastritis. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will understand that you are pregnant only with this test. After that, you must also have different tests. In addition to these, it october possible to say that the nutrients eaten also affect this hormone. Foods high in progesterone, especially dill, avocado, spinach, tomatoes and walnuts, increase the value of Beta HCG.


Beta HCG is normal, that is, it is usually close to 0 and 0 in individuals who are not pregnant. In individuals who are pregnant, a low level of this hormone can be due to many reasons. These are ectopic pregnancy, a deviation in the calculation of the week of pregnancy, sudden miscarriages.


In this article, we have discussed the Beta HCG hormone in detail. We have made explanations for you by including all the questions that are curious. For more information, you can visit our Human IVF page.

Insemination treatment is a method of selecting the sperm that is the highest quality of the sperm taken from the expectant father during the ovulation period, that is, during the period when the probability of conception of the expectant mother is the highest, and then putting it into the womb of the expectant mother. A state of fertilization that has been tried many times by natural means, but no successful results have been obtained, thanks to vaccination treatment, sperm and egg dec easily combined and fertilized. So, how will expectant parents understand this situation when Insemination gives a successful result? We will answer this question and give you more detailed information about Insemination treatment. We wish you a pleasant reading in advance.

What is Insemination?

Insemination is a treatment applied by people who want to become parents but have not been able to achieve this condition by natural means. This treatment, which is performed before starting IVF treatment, is aimed at increasing the chances of pregnancy. Insemination takes place exactly as follows;

· Several necessary tests are applied to prospective parents before.

· Male sperm is taken and the best quality sperm is selected by special procedures.

* Spermatozoa are released into the uterus when the woman's eggs are laid. Here this process is known as the vaccination process.

The vaccination method is a method used in cases where the man's sperm count or mobility is low, when there are problems with the excretion of semen during intercourse, when the woman's cervix is narrow. The cause of infertility cannot be explained in any way.

To Whom Is Insemination Therapy Prescribed?

“Who is the Insemination method applied to?"we can explain the question as follows; It is a form of treatment applied to expectant parents who want to have children, but for various reasons some kind of pregnancy condition cannot be created. For the implementation of this treatment, the man or woman must have some problems that he is experiencing. We can list the problems encountered as follows:

· If there is a lack of sperm count and mobility in a man,

· If there is a problem of unexplained infertility (infertility)

· If the woman has ovulation problems and therefore pregnancy could not be done with egg tracking

· It can be applied in couples who want to accelerate the possibility of pregnancy due to social reasons experienced by couples.

What is the Success Rate of Insemination?

With the development of technology in the medical field and the scientific studies conducted, the success rate of Insemination treatment is quite high. And every day these treatments are being enriched with a new way and it is aimed to increase the success rate of Insemination to the highest level.

When Do the Symptoms of Pregnancy Begin With the Success of Insemination?

There is no difference between the occurrence of pregnancy with Insemination and the occurrence of pregnancy by natural means and the appearance of symptoms in terms of the occurrence of pregnancy Dec In other words, expectant mothers are 3rd of pregnancy, as in naturally occurring pregnancies. from the week she begins to experience signs of pregnancy. These symptoms can be considered as complaints such as dizziness, weakness, nausea and vomiting that occur in the morning. Expectant mothers who have these symptoms can find out if they are pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. 12-14 after Insemination to see if pregnancy has occurred. on the day, the Beta HCG hormone is checked in the blood and it is understood whether pregnancy exists or not. If the pregnancy result is positive, you will need to contact your doctor and undergo an examination to keep it under control. After this examination, a clearer result will be obtained by looking at it with ultrasound and it will be determined whether there is a pregnancy or not.

After Insemination, expectant parents should continue their normal lifestyle. They do not need to change anything in their lives with the introduction of Insemination therapy. In this process, they should only take care of regular and balanced nutrition and protect themselves in the best way. We have shared all the details of the vaccination method with you in this article. If you also want to become a parent and are looking for various treatment methods for this, you can check out our page.

IVF treatments are supported by a wide range of tests and analyzes to get a healthy result. With the help of these tests, problems that may occur before and after pregnancy are also detected and planning is carried out in this direction. NGS, a genetic analysis technology that allows comprehensive chromosome screening to be performed in embryos, is a test that gives extremely effective results as technological developments gain momentum. With NGS, embryos are scanned quickly and effectively, and genetic problems at the chromosome level are detected before pregnancy. The aim of this method is to select a healthy embryo by performing genetic analysis on embryos before the transfer process and to increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy. You can continue reading our article for the details of the NGS test.

What is Comprehensive Chromosome Screening (NGS)?

It is extremely important that the embryos obtained in IVF treatments are successfully transferred to the uterus. But in some cases, pregnancy may not be achieved. One of the most important reasons why a healthy pregnancy cannot be achieved despite embryo transfer in treatment has been identified as chromosome disorders that occur in embryos. In order to achieve a healthy and successful result in IVF treatments, it is necessary to analyze the embryos in detail and detect chromosomal abnormalities. Previously, the multidimensional and complex structure of chromosomes would have made multiple tests necessary. While this situation is quite time consuming and costly, the NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) test appears as a result of the developing technology today. The NGS method is a newly developed genetic analysis technology that allows comprehensive chromosome screening of embryos. The NGS method allows all embryos to be screened within a short period of time. With NGS, which offers a quick and detailed scan, chromosome-related problems are diagnosed before pregnancy. All 24 chromosomes are scanned with the NGS test.

Comprehensive chromosomal screening practices performed by the NGS method play an extremely important role in diagnosing disorders and have an effect on facilitating healthy outcomes in IVF treatments.

What are the Features of the NGS Technique?

Chromosomal abnormalities are determined by screening with the NGS method. Embryos containing more than two or more cell communities with different chromosomal structures are called “mosaic embryos”. Mosaic embryos are detected more easily with the NGS technique. After these chromosomal abnormalities detected by the NGS test are detected accurately and in detail, the process is advanced by including them in the treatment planning. Compared to the different PGD methods used to date and known, the NGS method provides a high-intensity scanning area, allowing you to detect even some genetic disorders, as well as numerical changes occurring in chromosomes.

What Genetic Defects Can Be Detected with NGS-Based PGS?

Embryos obtained in IVF treatment are evaluated according to various criteria in terms of the characteristics they have, and a healthy result is sought by ensuring the transfer of the embryo with the best developmental characteristics to the uterus. Examination of the developmental characteristics of the embryo under a microscope by classical methods does not give a clear information about the chromosomal state of the embryo. This information is only reached by performing a genetic screening with PGS. Even if the embryos have a good quality structure, they can contain various chromosomal problems, and this can also lead to problems such as early miscarriages, some structural disorders in the developing fetus, or the embryo does not hold on to the uterus. The main purpose of using the PGS method, which is an NGS-based method, is to increase the adhesion of the embryo to the uterus, which is found to have a chromosomally normal structure, to reduce the likelihood of miscarriage that may occur later, and as a result, to increase the likelihood of couples having healthy babies. The NGS-based PGS operation is performed by embryologists who have the necessary education and experience in this regard. The process takes a short time and does not cause any harm to the embryo. The PGS process begins by combining the egg taken from the expectant mother and the sperm taken from the expectant father outside the body. 5. Development of embryos from formed embryos. or 6. on the day when the blastocyst is at the stage, several cells are taken by biopsy without damaging the embryo. These received cells are sent to the genetic laboratory for a scan of 24 chromosomes, while the embryos are frozen. At this point, it is extremely important that the procedure is performed by a qualified embryologist so that the embryo does not get damaged. At the end of this examination, the embryo or embryos whose genetic structure has been determined to be healthy are transferred after completion of intrauterine preparation and pregnancy results that reach higher rates are obtained, especially.

To summarize briefly; NGS-based PGS is a genetic screening method and can be used to detect numerical and structural imbalances in chromosomes. However, single gene diseases, especially those with familial transmission, cannot be detected with the PGS method.

Who are the Groups of Patients Who Can Be Administered NGS?

The benefits of the NGS method, which is a new generation genetic analysis technology, also raises the question of which patient groups this technique can be applied to. Before answering this question, we can state that the intended point of the NGS method is to be able to detect numerical and structural changes in chromosomes. Therefore, we can address the question of which people have these changes more often for groups of patients who can be administered NGS. Groups of patients for whom NGS can be applied can be listed as follows;

· In cases of repeated miscarriage,

· in expectant mothers over the age of 38,

· In severe male infertility,

* In cases of infertility, the cause of which is unknown,

· It is applied in cycles of continuous self-recurring treatment failures.

The NGS method, which is a rapidly developing field, is actively used in many countries today due to its possibilities and facilitating and accelerating effects for the process.

What are the Advantages of Preimplantastone Genetic Screening with NGS?

NGS, a new genetic examination method used to screen for 24 chromosomes in embryos, provides the opportunity to examine and sequence the entire human genome both numerically and structurally in a short period of time, such as a single day. It offers us a revolutionary technology in this aspect. The improved NGS method can detect mosaic embryos better than other PGD methods. The main advantages of Preimplantastone Genetic Screening with NGS are that it allows you to quickly scan a large area of genes, both numerically and structurally. In addition to scanning gene fields numerically and structurally, the NGS method also has advantages such as obtaining a more accurate result with a low margin of error, achieving faster results, and having a lower cost. With this method, 24 chromosome screening can also be performed simultaneously with the study of single gene diseases and HLA typing.

Does NGS Damage the Embryo?

IVF treatments are an extremely exciting period for couples. During this period, in order to obtain a healthy result, various tests are applied to the embryos obtained to determine the success rate. In some cases, couples may have a high risk of genetically abnormal embryo development. Advanced maternal age is one of these conditions. Embryos that are not genetically normal are not suitable for transfer. In order to be able to determine the chromosomal status of embryos and to obtain a healthy result, process planning is carried out in the light of the NGS result. Another confusing situation for couples at this point is whether NGS causes any damage to the embryo during the application phase. Doctors who specialize in their field and NGS performed under appropriate conditions do not pose a danger risk to the embryo. At this point, managing and planning the process in accordance with the needs with a reliable specialist and institution will also be an extremely important step.

Does Pregnancy Always Occur With a Smoothly Detected Embryo?

After the tests and examinations, embryos that do not carry any genetic abnormalities are placed in the uterus. The probability of the occurrence of pregnancy after this procedure develops due to various factors. These factors;

· Women's age

· The amount of ovarian reserve of the woman

* Sperm quality

· Embryo quality

· Ensuring a proper intrauterine environment

· The presence of hydrosalpinx

· Conditions encountered during embryo transfer

it can be sorted as follows. All these factors are among the dec that affect the occurrence of pregnancy. From this point of view, it is impossible to say that pregnancy always occurs with an embryo that is detected without problems.

Studies have shown that age-related embryos are less likely to be chromosomally normal. For this reason, pregnancy rates are also decreasing due to the increasing age of women, especially in IVF trials that have not been applied to PGS. In women under the age of forty, NGS-based PGS normal embryos vary between 40 and 60 percent probability with the results of the analysis, the rate falls below twenty percent in people over the age of 40.

In women over the age of forty, a low pregnancy rate is achieved by transferring an embryo that has not been genetically screened with NGS, while this rate is increased by transferring an embryo that has been diagnosed with NGS and is chromosomally normal.

How Many Days Do NGS Results Come Out?

The embryos that have been biopsied are 5 or 6 until they reach the blastocyst stage. by following it up to the day, only embryos that have not been detected as abnormalities are transferred to the expectant mother's uterus (uterus). The NGS process applied to the embryos is completed within the same day. In this way, treatment planning is quickly directed.

What are the NGS Test Prices?

The information obtained from the results of the NGS test gives a comprehensive information for the IVF process. At this point, NGS, a new generation genetic screening test, has entered our lives as a result of high technology. It is a method that also has many advantages, especially if it provides a quick and wide information about the chromosomal state of the embryo. In addition to the advantages it provides, NGS is a method that also has an extremely low cost. This is a situation that also increases the availability of the test. As the Huma IVF family, we continue to be there for our couples during this exciting process. For all your questions about NGS, you can review our site and contact us for detailed information.

In this article, we have included details about the NGS method. It is important to detect embryos that do not have chromosomal abnormalities, as well as to successfully transfer the embryos obtained in IVF treatments to the uterus. Comprehensive chromosomal screening practices performed by the NGS method play an extremely effective role in detecting chromosomal disorders in embryos and increase the risk of a positive outcome of the process.
