It is a method of activating eggs and ensuring fertilization by using calcium ionophore (calcium ionophore) in cases where embryo transfer cannot be performed due to lack of fertilization during IVF treatment.
In the calcium ionophore application, first the egg and sperm are fertilized by micro-injection (ICSI); Then the eggs are kept in a medium containing calcium ionophore for a while. The main purpose here is to artificially increase the calcium level, which should increase in the egg after the sperm enters the egg. In other words, by supporting the reactions that should start in the egg, the egg is forced to be fertilized. With this procedure, a healthy fertilization and therefore a high pregnancy rate can be achieved.
Calcium ionophore therapy has been shown to be successful in the following situations:
- In patients with “globosperm” of all sperms
- If very few eggs or sperm are obtained
- Recurrent fertilization (fertilization) failures
- In cases where no fertilization can be achieved with micro-injection therapy