As couples who want to become parents cannot become parents with natural methods, couples resort to some treatments. In vitro fertilization is the first treatment method. And IVF treatment is a very advanced and effective treatment method. Some applications in IVF treatment are important for the positive outcome of the treatment. Embryo glue application, which is one of the important application methods, is a very successful application. Embryo glue is one of the applications without any known risk. As a result of the studies, it was concluded that it did not increase the risk of miscarriage or pregnancy complications. Now we will provide you with detailed information about embryo glue. We wish you pleasant reading.
What is Embryo Adhesive?
Embryo glue, a method used in IVF treatments, is a kind of liquid embryo culture medium enriched with a substance called hyaluronan, in which embryos are left before transfer to the uterus of the expectant mother.
Hyaluronan is a natural carbohydrate found in all tissues in the body. The embryo needs an environment rich in carbohydrates, amino acids and protein in order to develop healthily inside. In addition, embryo glue is also called embryo glue because it reduces the ability of the embryo to move in the uterus.
How and Who Is Embryo Adhesive Used?
Embryo adhesive application is done as follows:
After the embryos are developed in the laboratory for 3-5 days, the most suitable one for embryo transfer is selected.
· The most suitable embryos selected for transfer are taken into the embryo glue.
· Embryos are kept in this environment for about 30 minutes.
· After standing, the embryos are taken from the culture dish and drawn into the catheter (a thin tube).
· The catheter is then passed through the cervix under ultrasound guidance and the embryos are transferred to the uterus.
In expectant mothers who have repeated in vitro fertilization failure using the embryo glue method,
It is used in couples who want to have children over the age of 35, when the quality of the embryo depending on the egg or sperm is not very good.
Is the Success Rate High in Embryo Bonding?
Embryo adhesive is one of the most frequently used applications for the last 10 years in order to increase the chance of success in IVF treatment. Experts were unsure about the effectiveness of embryo glue at first. However, in recent years, the effectiveness of embryo glue has been observed as a result of scientific research. Today, embryo glue is applied by various IVF centers. Hüma IVF Center is one of these centers.
The high concentration of hyaluronan concentrates the embryo glue similar to the tissue of the fluids in the womb, so that better mixing of these fluids minimizes the mobility of the embryo. In addition, hyaluronan acts as a bridge between the embryo and the inner wall of the uterus by binding to the inner wall of the uterus and the molecules on the surface of the embryo. In this way, it helps the embryo to attach to the uterus.
We aimed to give you information on this subject by considering the embryo glue method. We talked about how this method is applied and its success rate.
Intralipid serum therapy emerges as a form of treatment applied to women who want to become pregnant but cannot achieve this goal as a result of recurrent IVF failures. It is extremely important that the immune system is strong during IVF treatment. Intralipid serum therapy is a method used at this point to strengthen the immune system.
Intralipid serum treatment is started to be applied to women who want to become pregnant before starting IVF treatment. What are the details of intralipid treatment? Who is intralipid serum therapy applied to? How is intralipid serum therapy applied? Now we will be giving answers to all these questions for you below.
What is Intralipid Therapy?
Intralipid serum therapy is a treatment for women who want to become mothers. Intralipid serum is a treatment method that starts on the day of transfer and continues throughout the process in IVF treatment. Intralipid serum contains many important proteins and molecules for the immune system. Thanks to this serum, it is aimed to keep the immune system of the expectant mother strong during pregnancy by supporting the immune system.
To Whom Is Intralipid Serum Treatment Applied?
Intralipid serum therapy is a treatment for women who want to become mothers, but only for those who have experienced miscarriage problems or who have experienced IVF failures. The purpose of this treatment is to ensure that the immunity of the expectant mother remains strong throughout the pregnancy process.
As a result of the information obtained, it has been proven that intralipid serum therapy does not have any side effects. However, some women may be allergic to the substances in the intralipid serum. At this point, good research should be done before starting the treatment and if there is no allergic condition, treatment should be applied.
How is Intralipid Serum Treatment Applied?
Parents who want to have a child can resort to many ways for pregnancy to occur. In vitro fertilization, which has been very popular recently, has been determined as the most successful assisted reproductive method. If there are recurrent failures as a result of IVF treatment, this problem can be eliminated with intralipid serum treatment. Intralipid serum therapy is an extremely effective and successful form of treatment.
Intralipid serum treatment is administered to the expectant mother by intravenous route, with a preparation containing emulsified oil, prepared with a special concentration, which takes approximately 45 minutes. In other words, the patient's immune system is supported by giving oily serums intravenously.
In this article, we have given detailed explanations about inralipid serum therapy and that parents can receive intralipid serum treatment in cases where pregnancy does not occur due to some reasons. If you want to have more detailed information on this subject, you can visit https://www.humatupbebek.com/.
Parents who want to have children generally prefer the most common in vitro fertilization treatment. Before this treatment, both mother-to-be and father-to-be go through many tests. Father-to-be passed; The first of the tests to test for infertility or other problems is the sperm test, also known as the spermiogram test. What is the spermiogram test for the analysis of the sperm cell? How is spermiogram done? What do spermiogram test results mean? We will answer all these questions for you in detail below. We recommend that you continue reading our article to have detailed information about the sperm test.
What is a test (spermiogram)?
Sperm test done to men; It is a test to determine sperm health, sperm count, and whether the sperm are moving correctly in the channels. As a result of the sperm test, if the sperm shape is normal and there is a sufficient number of sperm, it is concluded that your reproductive ability is high. However, in some cases, men may have low sperm count or the ability to reproduce despite having abnormal semen. That's why doctors order a second test for the accuracy of the results. If your results are normal in your first sperm test, you give the other test and if it is normal, these two normal tests show that you do not have an infertility problem. If there are different conditions, your doctor may order other tests.
If there is no semen or sperm as a result of the sperm test, this may indicate that your ducts are blocked. If this is the case, your doctor will plan different surgeries to open the channels.
Issues and Precautions to Consider While Giving Sperm Sample
There are important points to be considered before giving the sperm sample and while giving the sperm sample. Among the things to be considered before giving a sperm sample, we can count that "men should abstain from sexual intercourse for 3 days". Fasting for 3 to 5 days is sufficient. These numbers are important because if you fast for less than 3 days, the sperm count may be low as a result of the sperm test. For this reason, we can say that fasting between 3 and 5 days is sufficient. It is possible to list the issues to be considered while giving a sperm sample as follows;
· Storing the sample in a sterile environment: It is important to protect your sample from the outside environment for a healthy and accurate spermiogram test result. If a sterile environment is not provided, the test result may be inaccurate. Therefore, do not put your hands, especially sample containers, etc. It is important that you keep it as sterile as possible.
· Protecting the delivered sperm from heat: Another important point is to keep your sample away from extreme temperature changes after ejaculation. Because these extreme temperature changes negatively affect spermatozoa. Ideal temperatures for the sample cup should be between 20°C and 37°C.
· Sperm volume, amount: Volume is extremely important in the sperm test. Your sperm volume is expected to be at least 1.5 ml. The reason why you cannot reach the lower limit of 1.5 ml may be external discharge during ejaculation. It is important to be careful about this.
· Use of lubricating foreign substances during the sperm test: It is important not to use any lubricant during the sperm test because these substances seriously affect the sperm parameters. External factors with such an impact can lead to wrong conclusions.
How is the Sperm Test Done?
For the sperm test, you must first be at the IVF center or hospital. There are rooms specially prepared for men in hospitals or IVF centers. In these rooms, men give their sperm in a special container. For the effectiveness of the sperm test, the sperm sample is immediately delivered to the laboratory. The sperm sample given in the laboratory is subjected to many processes and the best quality sperms are selected. The purpose of the procedures is to examine the sperm count, motility and shape in the semen and to reach quality sperm as a result.
Apart from the hospital, sperm samples can be placed in a container and brought to the hospital in the home environment. However, this is highly not recommended. Even if this is accepted, the sperm samples should be brought to the hospital and delivered within half an hour.
Issues and Precautions to Consider When Analyzing Sperm Sample
For the sperm test, you must first be at the IVF center or hospital. There are rooms specially prepared for men in hospitals or IVF centers. In these rooms, men give their sperm in a special container. For the effectiveness of the sperm test, the sperm sample is immediately delivered to the laboratory. The sperm sample given in the laboratory is subjected to many processes and the best quality sperms are selected. The purpose of the procedures is to examine the sperm count, motility and shape in the semen and to reach quality sperm as a result.
Apart from the hospital, sperm samples can be placed in a container and brought to the hospital in the home environment. However, this is highly not recommended. Even if this is accepted, the sperm samples should be brought to the hospital and delivered within half an hour.
Issues and Precautions to Consider When Analyzing Sperm Sample
After the sperm test is given by the prospective fathers, it is examined in the laboratory environment. This examination takes approximately 1-2 hours and after the first hour, active results begin to be obtained. However, sometimes different situations can be encountered. For example, the test is given, but no sperm can be seen when looked at. In these cases, sperm are taken again and centrifuged. When faced with such a situation, the time may be extended. If there is no additional test to be done, the test results are immediately available in an average of 1-1.5 hours.
What Do Sperm Test Results Mean?
Sperm test results can be evaluated in many ways. Sperm analysis evaluates the sperm by analyzing it from various aspects. We can list these analyzes as follows:
· Sperm count and density:
Sperm count describes the number of sperm in 1 ml of semen. The World Health Organization advocates that a normal sperm count should be at least 15 million per ml or at least 39 million per sample. Having fewer sperm than these numbers indicates a low sperm count.
· Sperm morphology:
Non-abnormal sperm have a long tail and oval head. Morphology refers to the size and shape of the sperm a person has. Sperm that do not have a normal size or are weak in shape have difficulty reaching the egg and fertilization.
· Sperm motility:
The ability of sperm to move efficiently is one of the most important factors for fertilization.
· PH level of sperm:
When the pH level is too high or too low, it can affect the health of sperm and its ability to pass through the female reproductive tract.
Apart from these, sperm health is examined by looking at many factors such as semen volume, liquefaction, and seminal fructose levels while performing the sperm test. After examining all factors in detail, the results are examined and reported to the patient.
What is the Sperm Test Result of a Healthy Individual?
Low sperm count can have many different causes. The first reason is smoking addiction. Smoking addiction is one of the important factors that reduce the sperm count. In addition to smoking, alcohol and drug addiction also affect sperm count. Sperm count can also be adversely affected when there is a deficiency in hormones, depending on the clogged ducts.
Hormones are one of the important factors for reproduction on their own. Since the deficiency in reproductive hormones directly affects sperm production, it increases the possibility of encountering problems in reproduction. Apart from these, mistakes made by couples who want to have children also affect the sperm count. Using natural products unconsciously and continuing to use them uncontrollably, without knowing the limit, does harm to the person instead of providing benefits. Long-term treatment and drugs used during the treatment also affect the sperm count.
IMSI in Sperm Selection
The IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morpholgically Selected Sperm Injection) method is the magnification and examination of even the smallest cells using special microscopes. In the past, in the microinjection procedures applied in IVF treatments, living sperm cells could be enlarged up to 400 times. However, with IMSI, sperm can now be enlarged between 6000 and 8000 times. It is possible to examine and detect in detail the disorders called "vacuoles" that indicate the intracellular structures of the sperm and their genetic damage.
The IMSI technique is an extremely useful method. Selected sperm injection; It allows advanced morphological analysis of sperm without damaging the living sperm cell. Sperm with the highest fertilization ability are selected and a high chance of fertilization between 20% and 40% can be obtained with the applied microinjection application.
Precautions to be Considered for Sperm Quality
Couples who want to have children should pay attention to egg and sperm health and be careful in this regard. There are many factors that affect sperm quality, such as those that affect egg quality. One of these factors is undoubtedly a healthy diet. A healthy diet is extremely important for every organ in the body, of course also in sperm health.
In addition, exercise is very important in making you more vigorous and increasing your body's stamina and activity. Regular exercise will make you recover in a short time and will positively affect both your mental and physical health. Alcohol and smoking are substances that affect reproductive cells and should be avoided. This is a proven fact as a result of research. If we gather all these under one title, we can say that one should take care of his own health. Nutrition, avoiding alcohol, smoking, exercising regularly will first affect your health and therefore your sperm quality.
This process, which is sensitive and special for couples who want to have a child, is extremely important for them. In this process, prospective parents experience excitement on the one hand and a lot of stress on the other. Hüma IVF Center, which understands the emotions experienced best and does not spare its support by being by their side throughout the process, is always ready to accompany you.
Insemination treatment is a method of selecting the sperm that is the highest quality of the sperm taken from the expectant father during the ovulation period, that is, during the period when the probability of conception of the expectant mother is the highest, and then putting it into the womb of the expectant mother. A state of fertilization that has been tried many times by natural means, but no successful results have been obtained, thanks to vaccination treatment, sperm and egg dec easily combined and fertilized. So, how will expectant parents understand this situation when Insemination gives a successful result? We will answer this question and give you more detailed information about Insemination treatment. We wish you a pleasant reading in advance.
What is Insemination?
Insemination is a treatment applied by people who want to become parents but have not been able to achieve this condition by natural means. This treatment, which is performed before starting IVF treatment, is aimed at increasing the chances of pregnancy. Insemination takes place exactly as follows;
· Several necessary tests are applied to prospective parents before.
· Male sperm is taken and the best quality sperm is selected by special procedures.
* Spermatozoa are released into the uterus when the woman's eggs are laid. Here this process is known as the vaccination process.
The vaccination method is a method used in cases where the man's sperm count or mobility is low, when there are problems with the excretion of semen during intercourse, when the woman's cervix is narrow. The cause of infertility cannot be explained in any way.
To Whom Is Insemination Therapy Prescribed?
“Who is the Insemination method applied to?"we can explain the question as follows; It is a form of treatment applied to expectant parents who want to have children, but for various reasons some kind of pregnancy condition cannot be created. For the implementation of this treatment, the man or woman must have some problems that he is experiencing. We can list the problems encountered as follows:
· If there is a lack of sperm count and mobility in a man,
· If there is a problem of unexplained infertility (infertility)
· If the woman has ovulation problems and therefore pregnancy could not be done with egg tracking
· It can be applied in couples who want to accelerate the possibility of pregnancy due to social reasons experienced by couples.
What is the Success Rate of Insemination?
With the development of technology in the medical field and the scientific studies conducted, the success rate of Insemination treatment is quite high. And every day these treatments are being enriched with a new way and it is aimed to increase the success rate of Insemination to the highest level.
When Do the Symptoms of Pregnancy Begin With the Success of Insemination?
There is no difference between the occurrence of pregnancy with Insemination and the occurrence of pregnancy by natural means and the appearance of symptoms in terms of the occurrence of pregnancy Dec In other words, expectant mothers are 3rd of pregnancy, as in naturally occurring pregnancies. from the week she begins to experience signs of pregnancy. These symptoms can be considered as complaints such as dizziness, weakness, nausea and vomiting that occur in the morning. Expectant mothers who have these symptoms can find out if they are pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. 12-14 after Insemination to see if pregnancy has occurred. on the day, the Beta HCG hormone is checked in the blood and it is understood whether pregnancy exists or not. If the pregnancy result is positive, you will need to contact your doctor and undergo an examination to keep it under control. After this examination, a clearer result will be obtained by looking at it with ultrasound and it will be determined whether there is a pregnancy or not.
After Insemination, expectant parents should continue their normal lifestyle. They do not need to change anything in their lives with the introduction of Insemination therapy. In this process, they should only take care of regular and balanced nutrition and protect themselves in the best way. We have shared all the details of the vaccination method with you in this article. If you also want to become a parent and are looking for various treatment methods for this, you can check out our page.